Our mission is to accelerate the development of AI
Innovative technology company that specializes in developing and implementing artificial intelligence solutions for various industries.
They provide advanced machine learning algorithms and data analytics tools to help businesses optimize their operations, increase efficiency, and enhance customer experience. Their expertise ranges from natural language processing and computer vision to predictive analytics.
We care about your opinion
Other providers with glossy brochures, they go around for two years, don’t get it right, and IKARA is up and running after three weeks.
Manuel Peter - Head of Department REWE Logistics
Andere Anbieter mit Hochglanzbroschüren, macht zwei Jahre lang rum, kriegt es nicht hin, und IKARA ist nach drei Wochen am Start.
Manuel Peter - Abteilungsleiter REWE Logistik
I’ve been waiting for this for decades. You inspire me.
Filip Pax - Director Process Engineering DHL Aviation
Darauf habe ich seit Jahrzehnten gewartet. Sie begeistern mich.
Filip Pax - Director Process Engineering DHL Aviation
IKARA has successfully implemented our strategically important lighthouse project of OEPE time measurement in McDrive Digital 21 with excellent results.
Christian Schröder - Senior Director Operations McDonald’s Deutschland LLC
IKARA hat unser strategisch wichtiges Leuchtturmprojekt der OEPE-Zeitmessung in McDrive Digital 21 erfolgreich und mit hervorragenden Ergebnissen umgesetzt.
Christian Schröder - Senior Director OperationsMcDonald’s Deutschland LLC
IKARA is one of the leading independent software vendors in the DACH region, specializing in the creation of enterprise software.
Volker Meschonat - Smart Cities NVIDIA
IKARA ist einer der führenden Independent Software Vendors in der DACH-Region, der sich auf die Erstellung von Unternehmenssoftware spezialisiert hat.
Volker Meschonat - Smart Cities NVIDIA
Our Team Members
AI Solution For
Your Business
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