License plate recognition (LPR)


  • Artificial Intelligence to detect and recognize the license plate.
  • Trained for in the wild settings: Low visibility, steep angles and motion blur.
  • Detection in up to 4 cameras in real-time.
  • Convenient licensing model keeps the detection models always up to date — in the cloud or on your premises.

Country statistics and plate semantics

  • Country independent license plate text recognition.
  • Improvement of the recognition rate by incorporating country specific semantics (e.g. in Germany: CITY-CUSTOM-NUMBER)
  • Classification into the following countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, France, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Sweden. More countries will be added in the future.
  • Allows customer statistics based on country of origin.

User experience and interfaces

  • Web frontend to manage plate white- and black-lists
  • Interface to barrier control possible
  • Push notifications given specific events (e.g. specific license plates).
  • Import and export as excel file.
  • Overview of recognized plates in real time.